Report From The 2024 Annual Meeting

Much info circulating, no time to confirm most of it.

Thursday nite some manner of (informal) directors’ meeting was held. The new reformer directors were excluded. At it Bill Brewer demanded immediate payment of over $20 million in fees to his firm (the immediacy indicating he suspects the reformers have the backing of most of the board for its Monday meeting. It was announced that each director would have a whole 3 minutes to speak (on a matter of $20 million!), but a bunch gave their time to former president Jim Porter, a *real* trial attorney, who lit up Brewer with a flamethrower, showing how he’d cost NRA $200 million, while losing nearly everything his firm handled. Three cheers for Porter (and two for the directors who gave him their time, and realized what good move this was. Three minutes was meant to insure that nobody had time enough to raise a serious objection, but give a lot of time to a real trial attorney and his target isn’t going to be sitting down for a month. (After a reaming like that, he isn’t going to have problems with hemorrhoids or constipation, either).

Rumor is that NRA is nearly insolvent, perhaps will not survive until the next board meeting. This time it will be a real bankruptcy, when it cannot meet payroll, and the Whittington Center will be first item on the auction block, followed by the National Firearms Museum’s collections.

NRA’s “leadership” has chosen Joel Friedman as its nominee for 76th director. In doing so it threw under the bus two former NRA presidents (John Sigler and David Keene) who were far more qualified for the post. Persons are handling out pamphlets supporting Friedman, some of those persons when asked, admitted they were from hundreds of miles away, and not saying who hired them or paid their expenses. “Leadership’ is pulling all the stops out. I cast my vote for reformer Jim Wallace today. There may be a voting booth at the back of the members’ meeting for those who haven’t voted yet.

President Trump speaks tomorrow, just an hour after the members’ meeting begins. The betting is that this timing was meant to draw members away from the members’ meeting. We might think that manipulating a pro-2A presidential candidate in order to keep NRA “leadership” in lucrative power would be going too far, but on the contrary, when leadership goes all out, it is not out of the question. Leadership led by an attorney with tens of millions on the line, that is.

The course is so obvious. Support the reformers, ditch the Brewer firm, prove your integrity, ask the lost million+ members to return to an honest NRA, or face bankruptcy. A simple binary choice. To the board: there will be much honor in being a member of the board that revolved against corruption and led this 153 year old organization through its greatest crisis. There will be no honor in being a member of NRA’s last board of directors. Just lifelong shame in the eyes of your fellow gun owners. It can’t be much clearer than that. Side with reform and honesty, or with corruption, greed, and lies. You were chosen by responsible gun owners: show some responsibility as their leaders.

21 thoughts on “Report From The 2024 Annual Meeting

  1. As mentioned before Brewer has billed closer to $200 million if not more and previously mentioned of $100 million is incorrect. Furthermore, this colossal waste of members’ moneys is the fault of the existing board and their ineptitude and complete abdication of their fiduciary responsibility!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Forgot to mentioned that David Keene was forced to resign of chairman of American Conservative Union (ACU). He was also involved in the NRA Russia scandal. Lastly, while at the the ACU, his former wife also worked there and was got caught and convicted of embezzlement! Keene is a Wayne loyalist.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. No, that’s Lawrence Keene. And the NSSF has taken up a lot of slack due to the absence of NRA with the legislative challenges facing firearm owners.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Honestly NRA needs a clean slate fire all the executives that got us in this mess and start anew, no move to Texas, fix what we have in Virginia, cut the fat/board to 15-20 at most.

    FIRE Brewer and possibly sue him for his incompetentency in handling the NRAs case.

    Cotton and his Cabal needs to GO!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. An EASY lawsuit win for be to sue Brewer’s for entering into bankruptcy for false pretenses!!!! But there is a chance Brewer’s liability might pay for it. Nevertheless, that is an easy $22 million to $25 million to get back to the members!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Any Board member feel free to comment, but I am pretty sure that selling the Whittington Center, (aka: Special Contribution Fund) will present a whole host of legal issues. My research shows that in 1972 the land was acquired thru ugh purchases and land swaps and was called the NRA National Range and Outdoor Center.

    Development began in 1973. In 1977, the NRA Board voted to make it a non- profit (NRA Special Contribution Fund) and was renamed (DBA the NRA Whittington Center. The original acquisition costs were approximately 2.5 million. The funds to acquire it were from the most part borrowed from the NRA.

    The NRA Special Contribution Fund received 501 c 3 status in 1974. The Fund itself holds title to real and personal property at Raton. The original non-profit registration filing for NM in 1974 states the following: “That the National Rifle Assoc. of America hereby establish a Special Contribution Fund for charitable education and scientific purposes under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, to be Separate and distinct from the National Rifle association of America by adoption of the Constitution and of the Bylaws of the NRA Special Contribution Fund which are attached hereto, the Trustees of which, from TIME TO TIME, shall be elected by the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association.”

    First, it has consistently been stated that the NRAWC is not funded by the NRA and is a self-sustaining organization/ entity. Since its inception the NRAWC on a yearly basis has paid funds back to the NRA. Those funds paid back yearly, and the final 9 million dollars should clear the promissory note in full, so can someone tell me how the NRA has any rights in liquidating it as an asset? Further, why does the NRA pay the wages of the employees at the Whittington Center and then the Whittington Center reimburses the NRA. That surely raises a red flag and easily results in a money laundering type scheme

    How can a separate and distinct organization that holds title to real and personal property be sold after it has paid in full what it borrowed? (To the tune of (over 9 million dollars)

    Who in the world pays back a loan in full and owns nothing in the end??? That is just ludicrous!

    I don’t know about you, but something is way off, and a lot of additional shady shit and corruption will likely come to light. All one has to do is look at the financial filings of both the NRA and the Special Contribution Fund side by side. You will notice the very same vendors are listed on both with some of those vendors being accused of bilking thousands to millions of dollars.

    Did you notice above the Trustees of the Special Contribution Fund shall be elected from Time to Time? I would say that is a total crock of shit as it actually is ALL THE TIME!

    On top of that, the very same Bylaws of NRA were filed as the Bylaws for the Special Contribution Fund. All they did was change the name on top.

    Help me out people. What the hell am I missing?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hello, Nobody Special. You are correct but I believe the clarity began to show itself today. Getting harder to pass off as un-vetted rumor and speculation.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The un-vetted rumor and speculation I was talking about is the statement that NRAWC would be on the auction block soon. I don’t put much past these people, but it is not clear where that comes from. Is that someone’s best guess about what the cabal will do to try to stay afloat? Or is there something concrete?

        Liked by 1 person

      1. My apology, I should have been more specific that more information regarding the Whittington Center will be forthcoming in which we are pretty sure the ATF will be interested.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I hope one or more reformers send a letter to Judge Cohen describing how the current NRA cannot correct itself. Furthermore, proof will be forthcoming regarding the compliance officer Robert Mensinger is simply a crony of Cotton, the board ,etc. If permission is granted there are two incidents which will prove he and his compliance system is a joke!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. If Jim Porter did such a fine job, as stated in the above blog, then where has he been for the last few decades? After all he’s a former president right? Where was he then? Why now? My cynical mind thinks if he really did as reported then it’s because he’s a rat, who’s covering his own ass.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Excellent point by you. Jim Porter is part of the problem and not part of the solution. I have had numerous discussions with Jim and even his wife when I tried to reform the NRA as an insider. Jim was always a Wayne loyalists! Furthermore, his father, Irvine C. Porter, who served as the NRA President from 1959-1960 is certainly turning over in his grave!!!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. NRA info from RELIABLE source:
    Reportedly, by 3:15 pm EST today (Sunday, May 19), powers-that-be at the NRA had paid Bill Brewer millions of $$$ because he insisted on being paid before tomorrow. His demand (that reportedly came on Thursday night) was for $20-million-plus — on top of the $200 million he already has been paid.

    However, reportedly, NRA did not have the full $20million he demanded, so the NRA only paid him “millions.”

    Reportedly, NRA Treasurer Sonya Rowling paid only because Andrew Arulanandam, acting interim Executive VP, ordered her in writing to do so. Reportedly, Sonya initially refused to pay it, but when ordered in writing, she paid Brewer.

    I am posting this under my name (Alice Marie Beard). However, please understand that I am NOT the source of the info. The info came to me from an exceptionally reliable source.

    Alice Beard, NRA Life Member

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