Sunday Thoughts

He dominated the board and its politics, and misappropriated members’ money. But now we can look back with nostalgia on the days when NRA was being looted of only $40 million a year, and that was being spent on things that were useless, rather than harmful, to the cause.

Why not settle this New York litigation? NRA itself is down to the question of whether a fiscal monitor should be appointed, and with what powers. A fiscal monitor would probably help clean things up, and restore members’ and contributors’ confidence. His pay would cost a lot less than litigation has. That leaves as issues who, how long, and fixing his powers, all things that can be worked out.

Litigation has been a $200 million disaster. Think what $200 million could have done for the shooting sports, education and training, or the Second Amendment! To put things in perspective, the NRA headquarters building is assessed at just under $32 million. We could have built six HQs for less than has been spent on legal fees!

(For older posts, click “blog” in the top menu)

60 thoughts on “Sunday Thoughts

    1. Frank Tait wrote, “The opportunity cost of the wasted legal fees is something the board never considered…..

      I’m not a numbers or financial person, so please understand that my numbers here are likely to be wrong. However, based on what I’m remembering, the jury in NY found WLP liable for having taken about $5 million. And the jury found Woody Phillips liable for about $2 million.

      Those amounts pail when compared to the massive billing by Brewer’s firm. NRAinDanger seems to be estimating that total as $200 million. … So the NRA spent $200 to defend two people who had stolen $7 million from the NRA? … What am I missing here? … WLP and Woody have clearly been labeled as the thieves, but it’s looking as if there was a much bigger theft and con going on.

      For heaven’s sake, GET RID OF BREWER’S FIRM! The NRA won’t survive such “help.” Brewer has bled dry the NRA. I’m not smart and don’t have it all added up — and probably never could add it all up — but even I can see that the real enemy of the NRA here is Brewer.

      What that means is that WLP’s biggest crime against the NRA was to have brought Brewer on as a lawyer and to have kept him on. … This is all just sickening.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re already being penetrated, and probed… Literally.

      For example, the NSA knows everything phone call you make, and everything you do online… Such as reading and commenting on this pro gun blog.

      The ATF we know, thanks to GOA, has a billion 4473’s in a searchable, digital database… A gun registry.

      The FBI and ATF obvious know whenever there’s been a NICS check done in your name, and obviously why would there be a NICS check unless you were attempting to buy a gun. They may not know what gun, or if you actually bought it, but they’ll know you at least tried.

      The banks, some or all, in certain states or all states-depends on which news source you listen to, forward all card transactions involving firearms or firearm accessories to the FBI/ATF/DOJ.

      We already know many people have been executed by local law enforcement conducting midnight, no knock raids to carry out red flag orders from anti gun judges… The unconstitutional disarmament of citizens without due process.

      Further just a month or so ago, the ATF executed a man in his own, the agents conveniently not wearing or not having working body cams at the time, for the crime of conducting a single private transfer of a gun.

      And then, there’s the somewhat unrelated case of the Jan. 6th political prisoners, rotting away in prison for the sole crime of exercising their first amendment right of free speech. They’re being deprived of all of their rights. In many cases, the right to speak to their lawyer. Many are being denied medication. Many are being denied other medical care. Many are being beaten by prison guards-one man being blinded in one eye by a guard who beat him with a baton, because the guard didn’t like that the political prisoner was a white Trump supporter, and the prison guard was black-the prison guard said that, albeit using much more crude language. Many are in solitary or semi solitary confinement. If they’re treat people that way for exercising their free speech rights, what do you think they’re willing to do to those of us who exercise our right to bear arms?

      You, me, and every American is getting penetrated and probed, and some executed.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Thanks to WLP, the lawyers he chose have looted the NRA’s treasury. I hope somebody is looking into the possibility of kickbacks being paid.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. If there’s no kickbacks than how does a board sit back for decades and watch it’s organization be destroyed? Man must have an incentive to do anything. So, in this case, what could that incentive be besides kick backs? Maybe there are a few genuine useful idiots, but I’d bet most are part of the Wayne and CO., gravy train.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Interesting suggestion. Please allow me to share something that I learned but do not really understand yet:
      In the past, there was a man who worked for the NRA. He died in (if I recall correctly) 2021 or 2022. Until the day he died, he was on the NRA payroll — altho he did zero work for the last 2 years of so.

      He began working for the NRA in (about) 2001. He was never particularly competent in his job, but he kept it. By 2014, he was being paid a salary WAY beyond his value to the NRA. In about 2019, I was informed by a woman who absolutely would have known what she was saying, that the man was being paid close to $400,000 a year — way beyond what any who knew what he was doing would have guessed. It has been said that the man allowed at least one vendor to double-bill. It has been said that that vendor gifted the NRA employee with a Rolex watch.

      Sometime after about the start of 2020, the man was fired. That same day, the man made contact with an NRA upper-management person and said, “I have been fired. I want you to rehire me at the same salary that I have been making.” And, by the end of the day, the man was back on the payroll, in a no-show job. People who worked in the office where he was assigned have said that they never knew of any work that he did, never knew of any work that he was expected to do. He was assigned an office, but he never appeared in the office.

      Then, he died.

      In December 2023, I was speaking with, well, let’s just say a BIG, BIG SHOT within the NRA. I asked WHY this man had been paid so much. It disgusted me. The big, big shot said, “Because if he went to the media, he could have destroyed the NRA.”

      I was stunned.

      Whatever the man knew, he took to his grave.

      The NRA upper-managment person who hired that man on the same day when someone else had fired the man remains at the NRA — himself making a vast amount more $$ than he is worth!

      And that is as much as I know. Again, whatever that man knew, he took to his grave.

      I wish that I could add together all of the confusing pieces to make sense, but I can’t.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Art has correctly identified the person in Alice’s account, and the vendor he allowed to double bill, and who gifted him a Rolex, was Chuck Michel of California firm Michel & Associates.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. thmsmgnm: I wrote, “In the past, there was a man who worked for the NRA. He died in (if I recall correctly) 2021 or 2022.” … That man of whom I wrote absolutely is dead. More than that, I won’t say here.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Keep the news coming. Hopefully the whole swamp can be flushed. I’m ready for a revived NRA. And hopefully membership and donations will follow. Id like to see some of the swamp creatures in prison.

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    1. I respectfully disagree because the NRA is incapable of reforming itself for a myriad of reasons, some of which I mentioned before and some I have not mentioned.

      Since NRA cannot reform itself, one obvious reason is board is divided, federal bankruptcy is coming so our recommendation is not to donate money to the NRA.


  3. Bethesdalice , that is intriguing. I have been doing some research into the form 990 filings for the NRA and the Special Contribution Fund. (NRA Whittington Center) based in D. Dell comments. I am amazed at what I just read that I have never seen. In 2001, Woody Phillips. Wayne LP and John C Sigler started the NRA Holdings Company Inc.

    Interesting is that it is listed on the form 990 as management services, however, it is far from that.

    On Sept. 7, 2001 NRA Holdings Company Inc. filed their Articles of Incorporation with the state of Virginia. In the filings they were offering 5,000 shares of common stock and the address was listed as 11250 Waples Mill. The name of the individual on the filing was Stephan N Shulman of O’Connor & Hannan LLP.

    It seems to me they were all up to no good. This was not a management company. It looked more like they were trying to steal a whole lot more for themselves. Other names associated with the NRA Holdings Company were: Stefan Tahmassebi, Joshua Powell, and Todd Grable.

    That information came from viewing just 2 documents of dozens. Take a look. Just Google the NRA Holdings Company and you will find it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. StandUp:
      That link does not work.
      I am at a disadvantage here: I am communicating openly, using my real name. You are not. I’m not up for any research, and I have no idea who you are because you are wearing a “mask.” I.e., you could be friend; you could be foe. You could have a reputation for truth-telling, or otherwise.

      That said, the story you offer has something confusing: You use the year 2001. Stephan Neal Shulman died in 2011. To my knowledge, Joshua Powell did not begin working for the NRA until about 2015. And that’s just the most basic “bell that does not ring true” with what you have typed.

      Other than that, I have zero knowledge of what you wrote. I know nothing.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I am not saying you know anything about it. Would be happy to attach the documents here if I could.

        I am merely stating what is on the actual documents.

        I am not sure why the link is not working. I found it by googling the NRA Holdings Company Inc and a list of sites popped up.

        I clicked on the site “NRA Holdings Company Inc- Virginia(US) Open Corporates.

        When the page opened it showed the company and halfway down, just above where it says “Total Shares you will see : Source Commonwealth of Virginia State Corporation Commission and right below that in tiny blue print is the link.

        Click on it and it will take you to the correct page.

        Since you aren’t up for research I will tell you some of the dates and names shown

        2016 filing shows, WLP, W. Phillips, Michel Marcellin, Todd Grable, Joshua Powell and John Sigler

        2017 filing shows, WLP, Phillips, Joshua Powell and Todd Gable

        2018 filing shows the same as 2017

        Mr. Powell first appears on the 2016 filing.

        Hope that gives a little clarity and truly sorry you think I can’t be trusted because I hide behind a “mask”. There is a very good reason for that. Ever occur to you that you look to be wearing a mask too. I have no idea who you are even if you are using your real name.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. This is in reply to “StandUp,” who wrote of me that I “look to be wearing a mask”:
        Hover your mouse/cursor above the photo next to the name “bethesdaalice.” You’ll see these words: “Born in 1950, I have been doing genealogical research since before 1990.” And you’ll also see, “View profile.” … Click on “View profile.” That will take you to a page where, immediately below the little blurb about me, you’ll see two links. One link is to “Alice’s Place: An eclectic mix,” and the other link is to “Hufford Genealogy.” Both of those sites are mine. Both of those sites have full contact info on me. At either of those sites, you would learn more about me than any normal person would ever want to know. There is no “mask” on me. I am an old woman who, by chance, has met many of the players in the crazy situation being discussed on this “NRA in Danger” blog. By chance, I’ve known some of these people for over 45 years.

        By speaking up under my own identity, I already have received hints and words from people unknown to me to suggest that some might want to be cruel to me.

        I am at a point in my life that I don’t give a damn.

        I have been horrified by the theft and graft that I have learned about. And, I am ashamed that I broke bread with people whom I did not know were stealing. … I have a 2nd cousin whom I first met in 1987. We are the same age and share the same great-grandparents. Early on, he told of how proud he was to be an NRA member. He told of a year when he and his wife struggled financially. He said, “We cut back on a lot of things, but I would not cut back on my NRA membership.” I would like every person getting a dime from the NRA to be a person who could look at my 2nd cousin and defend the dime that you got from the NRA. (HINT: Brewer can’t do that. Brewer needs to go if there is to be any chance for the NRA to be saved. He is a lawyer, and the NRA could fire him. My guess is that there are now some folks within the NRA who are benefiting from not firing Brewer. The first sign that the NRA may be saved will be when/if Brewer is fired.)

        I’m sick of it, and that’s why I’m speaking up, and it’s why I’m willing to risk the cruelty that has been threatened. And, to you folks who seem to be running power from this corner or that corner, my request is that you pull back your goons who have seemed willing to threaten this old woman who has been so foolish as to speak the truth without a mask. And, no, I don’t give a damn if someone doesn’t want to be my “friend” anymore; as Laura McCabe said to me as she lay dying in January 2011, “Alice, remember, they aren’t your friends. None of them are your friends.”

        Recently Elon Musk had some brilliant words: “People care about looking good while doing evil. Fuck them!”

        Liked by 3 people

      3. I have validated these documents exist and for them not to be publicized is suspicious.

        Based on the research that “Standup” has performed, I consider him a friend of the reform movement!

        Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank You dnfguns2- once you get on the site, in the search box you can type in NRA Holdings Company Inc and then click on the blue number to the very left and it will pull up a list of filings. There are 2 screens of filings. Click on the magnifying glass to the right for any particular year and it will open the document in PDF format. You can also look up NRA FUD filings

        Liked by 2 people

    2. StandUp wrote, “Final question- Has anyone here heard of NRA FUD? (Not a typo).”

      Yes! I have heard of it, but I can’t recall exactly what it was. My brain may not be recalling correctly, but I think it had something to do with “floatable ducks.” Also am remembering “fold up ducks.” I know that sounds nutz, but it’s what I’m recalling. … I recall hearing about some scam that involved something that was connected to Australia. One of the big shots had a relative who lived in Australia, and there was some sort-of-business scheme that allowed the big shot to go to Australia on the NRA’s dime, or on the dime of some shell company, and, for some reason, I’m thinking it was FUD.

      It is unfortunate that I’m very much NOT a financials person. I’m sorry. That surely is the most important area, and I’m just not a financials person.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Bethesdaalice, you may not be a financials person but you seem to have terriffic recall/ memory! We all have talents that vary. However, you are correct about NRA FUD.
        It’s acronym actually meant “Fold Up Decoys” and it was in fact another Stock Corporation that was set up. First offering 1,000 shares then amended to offer 5,000 shares.
        This set up also needs further research as it was incorporated in 2007 and listed the initial officers/ directors etc as : WLP, W. Phillips, Stephan Shulman, Stuart Carty, and Andrew Hulley. The officers changed in 2013 to Andrew Hulley, James Price, Michel Marcelling and W. Phillips. 2013 was the last time it shows as active.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. StandUp: My recollection is that there was someone called “Marcellin” (last name, but not sure of spelling. If I recall correctly, he had a daughter who lived in Australia. He would fly to Australia — w/ NRA paying the way. Whether FUD actually made any money is an unknown. My guess is that it made no money, but it may have allowed for some funneling. Again, no knowledge, just my guess.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. You are correct. His name was Mike Marcellin. Per The Trace research, I found that Mike Marcellin was a “long time NRA employee who oversaw the relationship between NRA and the insurance administrator Lockton Affinity.

        He retired in early 2016 and the NRA was gracious enough to pay his full years’ salary of nearly 630,000 dollars according to the tax filings.
        That same year, Lockton paid Marcellin 450,000 dollars!” How’s that for a conflict and double dipping!

        Liked by 4 people

      4. bethesdaalice,
        It was set up to do exactly what you stated! TO FUNNEL MONEY! That is exactly why they never mentioned it on tax filings to the IRS.

        In fact, you can pull up and old article written by touting the NRA Fold Up Decoys. It states, ” profits of sales go back to the organization (NRA) to help protect hunters rights”.

        You can Google, “NRA fold up decoys “and plenty of sites pop up offering them for sale.
        Such as Ebay, Amazon and on sites in the UK.

        All that, it did generate money, but that money surely did not go to the NRA for hunters. It was a secret piggy bank specifically used by the shareholders. That is why it was never disclosed on any tax filings to the IRS. They would have had to account for the profits generated by it on the tax filings.


        And it continues>>>>> I have one more company to check yet….. Stay Tuned

        Liked by 4 people

  4. Funny how this information was never disclosed in any of the form 990 filings until recent years, yet it has been in existence since 2001. Just proves that the form 990 filings are not at all correct in many instances, and much, lays hidden in the layers.

    Someone should inquire with General Council as they are the ones listed on the most recent documents filed for the NRA Holdings Company Inc with the Virginia SCC.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. bethesdaalice:

        It took a bit of digging to find them myself, so given that, I wouldn’t expect that you or anyone else would have seen them either. In fact, those pdf’s have remained hidden for the last 20+ years! I am one of those people that reads boring crap like financial filings, whereas the majority of individuals don’t know what a Form 990 is. That said, it could be nothing or it could be something.

        It is highly suspect when there is no mention of the NRA Holdings Inc until the 2019 Form 990 filings, 18 years after they filed the Articles of Incorporation for the NRA Holdings Company with Virginia. That time span makes no sense.

        Unfortunately, some the names listed as officers raise an alarm for me for obvious reasons. Anyone who has read those numerous articles written on the NRA and the court documents in the last 5 years will see those same names have repeatedly been mentioned in a not so good light. Hard for me to believe that it isn’t a problem.

        As for this type of filing, it can be done for several reasons such as: Generate money, sell shares so that only wealthy friends can purchase the stock and control it or even be used as a type of shell corporation to hide money etc. There are many possibilities, and more research needs to be done.

        As for the Articles of Incorporation they puzzle me in that it seems like a small group of people were intending to profit on everything NRA, almost like stealing the NRA trademark and everything that goes along with it. IMO!

        I will get a final interpretation of them from the expert.

        Final question- Has anyone here heard of NRA FUD? (Not a typo)

        Liked by 4 people

      2. StandUp: Sorry about the placement of my reply. Let me try this again to see if my reply fits more closely to your question:
        You wrote, “Final question- Has anyone here heard of NRA FUD? (Not a typo).”

        Yes! I have heard of it, but I can’t recall exactly what it was. My brain may not be recalling correctly, but I think it had something to do with “floatable ducks.” Also am remembering “fold up ducks.” I know that sounds nutz, but it’s what I’m recalling. … I recall hearing about some scam that involved something that was connected to Australia. One of the big shots had a relative who lived in Australia, and there was some sort-of-business scheme that allowed the big shot to go to Australia on the NRA’s dime, or on the dime of some shell company, and, for some reason, I’m thinking it was FUD.

        It is unfortunate that I’m very much NOT a financials person. I’m sorry. That surely is the most important area, and I’m just not a financials person.

        Liked by 3 people

    1. Standup, your cite link is DOA…[“…can’t find server!]
    2. searched google for NRA Holdings Company:
      • NRA Holdings Company usa – quote: [Old]
        If to Registry Operator, addressed to: NRA Holdings Company, INC.
        11250 Waples Mill Rd.
        Fairfax, VA 22030
        Telephone: +1-703-267-1518
        Facsimile: + 1-703-267-3835
        Attention: Tony Hayes, Managing Director Email:
        If to Registry Operator, addressed to: NRA Holdings Company, INC.
        11250 Waples Mill Rd.
        Fairfax, VA 22030
        Telephone: +1-703-267-1518
        Facsimile: + 1-703-267-3835
        Attention: Tony Hayes, Managing Director Email:
      • NRA Holdings Ltd – quote: Nra Holdings Ltd is headquartered in England. The company’s line of business includes holding or owning securities of companies other than banks.
      • – quote organisation: NRA Holdings Company, INC.address: 11250 Waples Mill Road
        address: Fairfax VA 22030
        address: United States of America (the)
        [added…National Rifle Association of America, 11250 Waples Mill Road; Fairfax, VA 22030.]

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You can also download the Articles of Incorporation with its associated communications at the VA State Corporation Commission web site.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. why are my comments “Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    sorry, when did this site begin in engaging in censorship?

    and absolutely no heads up to me on rationale of WHY I am be subjected to this censorship er moderation?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s happened to me before too. I don’t believe it’s intentional censorship, I think it’s a software glitch at the WordPress servers.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Please do not donate money to the NRA until we realize tangible reforms.

    Given the board is divided and with the current NRA President Barr, who always supported Wayne et al, the best chance for real reform is federal bankruptcy with receivership!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m in total agreement. It took you awhile to win me over, we had a number of back and forths, but I’m in total agreement, not only no more money being given, but that bankruptcy is the best chance of fixing the NRA.

      Unfortunately, four or so reformers on the board, can’t compete with 70 plus/minus goons.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. David, I am not clear why BK + receivership is viewed as the ‘best’ option. I have never seen a public company strategically go thru BK with it’s plan still intact by the end. As in I know of zero cases where that happened. Not that it has never happened, but I can’t point you to one. And I have no idea how non profits are treated, if any different.

      What could we reasonably hope to get out of a receivership that is better than:
      1) building on the recent wins to begin repairing the organization,
      2) getting the NRA in a position to engage in this very important election year, and
      3) pressing to get a full slate of qualified and reform minded BOD candidates out of the Nominating Committee for the next election?

      This is my preferred path for the NRA BOD, employees and members. Not betting it all on a crap shoot with some BK court.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. With the utmost respect…

        1. Organization currently has 76 BoD of whom 10% +/- are ‘reformers’ which means the rest got the organization into this mess!
        2. Organizational oversight, e.g., BoDs et al., spent all spare cash, reservers, pulled treasured firearms from the museum and sold them, ad nauseam!
        3. Organization still in a conflicted judical debacle, w/no satisfactory or early end!
        4. Organization has absolutely no, and should not have involvement in this year’s national election whatsoever!

        Bottom line, those who have inflicted this on the organization need to be removed and put under a judicial overseer for a period of time – training a reasonable number of BoD to function properly.

        sidebar…speaking of the selling of firearms from the museum…what steps have been instituted to bring them back to the museum…

        Organizationally, take a break, retire the gaggle of BoDs and instead of sending membership snail mail pushes for 100$ for a knife/flashlight or jacket…

        Instead send membership, majority of whom have no earthly idea the NRA is circling counter clockwise down the drain, an honest mail saying ‘we screwed up’ w/this is how management is moving forward to rebuild this invaluable organization!

          Liked by 4 people

        1. Mr. Dell’Aquila has explained why many times in previous comments on previous posts. I at first was firmly against the idea, but his arguments slowly won me over. I’m not good with all the finer legal points, but in essence it would take the money out of the hands of the corrupt EVP and BOD, and the court would appoint a… I believe it’s called a controller to over see operations. They’d be a forensic audit, every cent, how it got to NRA and what NRA did with it would be documented, and those details would be brought to the courts. Most likely the judge would terminate most of the so called leadership, with except to the small number of reformers recently elected. Also the judge would most likely get rid of Brewer, the biggest drain on the NRA. The judge would have the power to tear up contracts, and could investigate corruption at both NRA Foundation and Whittington Center. It sounds like the Whittington Center may be even more corrupt and nefarious than the main NRA.

          Your point on this being an election year is I think moot. The NRA is broke. They can’t make payroll, so, lobbying, and campaigning this year isn’t going to happen.

          And your comment on recent wins on the board, you must remember, that, four?, reform minded candidates against seventy or so either out right corrupt or sheeple isn’t going to amount to very much when it comes to committee assignments, and votes. So while the several reformer wins is good, in the end, it amounts to peanuts.

          As far as repairing the organization, it’s the only shot there is. Whatever there is of it left, isn’t going to be around more than a few months longer as long as Hamlin is either directly involved or in denial of the corruption and compliance issues, and is keeping Brewer. If he can’t even fire Brewer, than you no Hamlin’s at best worthless, or perhaps worse than worthless.

          Like I said Mr. Dell’Aquila can explain better than I. His arguments are very detailed and in depth, he’s given it much thought. And also, companies do go through various chapters of bankruptcy all the time to restructure, and in the end, are able to rebuild and become stronger.

          The NRA going into bankruptcy is no silver bullet, but it’s the only chance at this point.

          Liked by 3 people

        2. Charles,

          Non-profits in receivership survive more times than other organizations, corporations and companies. Think of some of the biggest non-profits that had issues and survived. Unions, I think such as Teamsters, experienced receivership many years ago.

          Liked by 2 people

        3. Please review comments by “Curiouscuz,” “Nolson1404,” and “Standup” because they are all excellent and explain why federal bankruptcy is the solution for the NRA to be reformed.

          I was involved in the NRA last bankruptcy and understand the process until the judge denied it for the NRA’s bad faith filing.

          1. One does not need to look any further because the current CEO has been neutered, made misrepresentations in an interview where he claimed the NRA is in “compliance,” and financially “we’re gonna make it.”
          2. The board is divided and without a majority to pass any reforms.
          3. NRA President Barr has always been a Wayne loyalist let us wait and see who he appoints on the various committees.
          4. Brewer is still the NRA attorney and if the NRA has not fired him by now they probably cannot.
          5. The NRA is actually in a financial crisis with bankruptcy looming.
          6. In bankruptcy, a solvent plan for the NRA will be created for the judge to approve.
          7. Once again, we recommend do not donate money to the NRA until tangible reform is realized.

          Liked by 2 people

    3. it seems to me years ago on NRA forms there was a listing for $500k related to something on a Caribbean Island. I at the time wondered what it was (property/apr/timeshare/???) then everything else blew up and that fell off my radar. I wonder if it is still in latest documents. At this point considering all the other 🔥 💴 it seems like chump change….14k odd annual memberships

      Liked by 2 people

    4. Can anyone – hopefully more than one person here – comment on the BoD members listed below? How they’ve performed in the developments that have led to the NYAG lawsuit against NRA? And are there any others who are missing but should be noted? Who wears the white hat and who wears the black hat?

      ———- Forwarded message ——–
















      Carter, Bill

      Carter, Ted











      Van Horn




      White, J

      Liked by 1 person

      1. dnfguns2:
        That’s a long list. Obviously, it is not a complete list of directors. Some are names I am not familiar with. Most, however, are names of people whose actions as directors I have followed. Several I’ve broken bread with over the years.

        There is not a name on that list whom I would suggest is a “reformer.” There is not a name on that list about whom I would say, “You can trust that person.”

        There is one on that list whom I met and broke bread with before he became a director. I would like to imagine that he sees what has been going on and would be voting with the “reformers,” but I do not know. Since I don’t know, I won’t recommend him.

        Honest directors are in the horrible situation of being on a battle field and not knowing who is friend or foe. The biggest dividing line I can suggest is this: Any person who voted to retain the officer who had been found liable by the NY jury should be seen as NOT working for the good of the NRA until/unless the person has convinced you that s/he has seen the light and changed his/mind. … Of course, then you’re in the situation of not knowing whether you’re dealing with a skilled liar who says, “Of course I see the light,” all while s/he’s just a wolf in sheep’s clothes.

        I do not envy the task of those directors honestly trying to fix the NRA.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Schmeits… Be careful of him. In a recent post, Mr. Dell’Aquila, has noted he’s raped and pillaged the Whittington Center, even so far as owning the bank and timber firm that Whittington used. He’s as corrupt as LaPierre, or perhaps worse.

        Liked by 1 person

    5. My personal thoughts are that any long- term individual should not be trusted. Long term being 10- 20 years or more in this case. That would wipe out at least half the board. At any time, any of them could have “blown” the whistle about what was going on, if they weren’t involved. Instead, they chose not to due to their own personal interests and desires. Had those personal interests been set aside and they had done what was right, we would not be in this mess.

      Ron Schmeits controls everything at the NRAWC and his executive board allows it- last listed on the Executive Board at NRAWC was Arvis, King, Van Horn and Jenkins. Consider all of them as un-trustworthy. Look at the past actions and those currently on the 76-member board and those listed on shell companies wipes out Powell, Siegler for sure.

      Taking all the above into consideration, I would say at least 75% of the Board cannot be “trusted”.

      However, you must remember that the corruption goes deeper than just Board Members and seeps well into the non- member support employees of the board. After all, they as the support system to the Board etc. they are directed to do things, right or wrong and do so to remain employed.


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