Second Round Of NY Suit Heats Up

Here is New York’s witness list. It is short, but lists two expert witnesses (the first and the last), a number of reforming directors, and a few bad guys. Here is New York’s exhibit list.

Here is NRA’s witness list, and its exhibit list. Item 330 is a reference to amending the articles of incorporation.

And from the report of one of the experts NY wants to call:

20. Ackerman McQueen (“Ackerman”) was one of the NRA’s largest vendors, providing the NRA with advertising and marketing services. Contractual documentation and other record evidence show that virtually all aspects of the Ackerman relationship were overseen by the EVP. The NRA paid Ackerman (and related party Mercury) over $205.0 million in fees from June 2013 through February 2020, under contracts that were not subject to the formal review and approval processes required by NRA policy.

21. In addition to the non-compliance with procurement policies, the NRA also processed and paid millions of dollars in “out-of-pocket expenses” submitted by Ackerman for expenditures incurred by Ackerman and NRA employees without review and verification that the goods and services comprising the associated invoices were received or appropriate, as required by NRA policies.

22. Under Wild Skies, Inc. (“UWS”) produced a television program of the same name of which the NRA has been a sponsor since the 1990s. In return for its sponsorship, the NRA received various forms of advertising during the televised program. In the early years of their business relationship, the NRA paid UWS without the benefit of a written contract or required review and approvals. More recently, the NRA paid UWS over $12.4 million from 2015 through 2019 under agreements that did not follow required review and approval processes under NRA policy. Furthermore, the NRA paid an additional $2.3 million9 to UWS President (who is also the President of the Ackerman-owned Mercury Group and a personal friend of the NRA EVP), without evidence of a written contract. 

23. Gayle Stanford (“Stanford”) was the NRA EVP’s personal “travel consultant” and provided services to the NRA from approximately 1993 through 2020. Ms. Stanford, through several business entities, was paid over $2.7 million in fees without a written contract (until 2019) or other review and approval processes required by NRA policy.

72. I have also noted other discreet issues from the record evidence that are illustrative of
problematic tone at the top, particularly the notion of lack of enforcement and accountability. Examples include the following:

An employee in the EVP’s office misappropriated approximately $40,000 from the
NRA. The consequences to the employee were repayment of the amount and revocation
of credit card privileges. The EVP testified that the NRA’s choice not to terminate the
employee or bring a lawsuit against her was based on the employee’s medical condition
at the time. The employee was recently terminated in September 2022.

An employee that abused credit card privileges had his corporate credit card revoked,
but the same employee was later given a pay increase doubling his salary.

A senior employee was terminated for performance reasons and escorted off NRA
premises, but then provided a post-employment consulting contract totaling $1.68
million for two years. The employee was recently terminated in August 2022.

Finally, the EVP was required to reimburse the NRA for over $650,000 in excess
benefits he received at the NRA’s expense, but a director having similarly received approximately $55,000 in excess benefits was terminated.

195. Below is a sample of the types of expenses included in these reports:

 Mr. Minson’s March 31, 2017, February 14, 2017, June 4, 2018 expense reports included the following hotel and lodging fees for Mr. Makris: $32,898 for a four-night stay at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas, NV for “TM Lodging Food and Beverage Jan 31 – Feb 4;” $23,692 for a stay at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas, NV for “Four Seasons Lodging & Meals T Makris” and “Balance on Four Seasons Lodging & Meals T Makris;” and $11,511 for a stay at the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, TX for “TM May Travel Part 1,” respectively.

 Mr. Minson’s April 15, 2016 expense report included $42,915 in flight tickets for Mr. LaPierre (WLP), Mrs. LaPierre (SLP), and Mr. Makris (TM) ($14,305 per ticket), for three line item descriptions: “DC Miami Airfare for WLP [SLP, TM] Argentina Hunting May 2016.”

 Mr. Minson’s March 10, 2016, April 15, 2016, and February 14, 2017 expense reports included hotel and lodging fees for Mr. LaPierre: $6,728 for a two-night stay with two rooms at the Ritz Carlton in Orlando, FL for “WLP lodging Jan14-16 Orlando FL; ” $4,454 for a five-night stay at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas, NV for “Lodging WLP March 8th thru 13th;”251 and $2,334 for a four-night stay at the Four Seasons in Las Vegas, NV for “WLP lodging in Las Vegas January 14-18,”252 respectively.

19 thoughts on “Second Round Of NY Suit Heats Up

  1. Our forensic accountant has reviewed various IRS filings over the last two years and speculates with a high degree of certainty that the NRA is insolvent or in the red!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. There board should vote on a bankruptcy resolution because the individuals, Charles Cotton, Brewer, NRA President Barr, David Coy, and board cronies of Wayne will only waste any members’ money given to the NRA.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Request for advice/guidance – the July issue of American Rifleman page 63 request assistance in nominating Directors from list of term expires in 2025.

    Page 64 has a form to mail in with names to be added.

    Does NRA in Danger have any suggestions that are reform minded candidates to nominate.

    I would appreciate your suggestions.

    I voted earlier for the reform candidates including Jeff Knox whose petition I signed at the GRPC last September


    John McKennan

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we are working with the reform movement and we will try to get another group of reform candidates either nominated or write in.

      Thank you for bring this to our attention, but one candidate I would whole hearted recommend is Mr. Frank Tait.

      Frank, the NRA needs you, please come back to the board!!!!

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Update, we are actively recruiting qualified candidates, hoping to have at least 10 on the ballot for next year, including Frank Tait.

        Ballots will not go out until March of next year, and will probably be doing some petition campaigns well before then.

        Liked by 3 people

  4. I have been holding an offer to upgrade to Benefactor, might be a good idea to keep holding. Will NRA survive? How do they continue to publish the magazine?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I would hold off, because it they are in the red and barely getting by as I suspect, the money will be best in your pocket. Besides, if they go into bankruptcy, you would be low man on the pole to get your money back and nothing to show for it.

      Liked by 3 people

    2. Please hold off upgrading to Benefactor, because the money will be misprint paying off Brewer’s attorney fees.

      Yes, the NRA will survive it just depends on the amount of time it will take to reform. If Barr, Cotton, Coy, Brewer, the majority of the board and the executive committee have their way it will take more because it will take years before enough reform candidates can get elected to the board.

      NRA president Barr is a Wayne loyalist and with the old guard and he will be there for two years!

      Since the NRA is in the red and if the powers to be filed for bankruptcy a receiver will be appointed and he/she has final say!

      Once again, the NRA will survive but it could take several years to reform it.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Please understand that the reformers are limited to what they can do. For example, Mr. Hamlin doesn’t want to go to far, in fear of the executive committee with Charles et el can suspend or fire him. So that removes him from the picture!

        The Special Litigation Committee (SLC) cannot be disbanded!

        The NRA President Barr is responsible for selecting committees’ chairpeople and he is selecting all of the Wayne localist such as Cotton to head up the powerful Audit committee (btw, cotton headed up the audit committee for 20 years under Wayne).

        We suggested possible ways (i.e., malfeasance) to get rid of Frazer even though he was elected as treasurer again. (Read earlier posts on this thread or another.)

        Finally, we suggested since Mr. Hamlin and general counsel have been unsuccessful to “think out of the box” to retain a “whiz” attorney from NYC to get something done, but once again Hamlin is afraid of being suspended/fired.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Aaah! What the hell!

        Yeah and they can remove me too.

        Bring it! That would be great optics…

        “Reform BoD member elected by grassroots members eliminated for advocating reform to stop the corruption and remove the corrupt insiders to make the NRA stronger.”

        I voted against re-electing John Frazier.

        Below I present my views and the choice between good and better in terms of actions to take.

        I’ve been reading this blog since I got on the ballot. I’m waiting or hoping to testify before Judge Cohen between July 15 and July 30 about:

        1. my view – grounded in facts – that the charitable assets of the NRA have been abused and wasted.
        2. that donor intent of the NRA members has been effectively ignored and truly violated.
        3. that Vullo doesn’t help us in this NYAG lawsuit. It does against the NY Insurance Commissioner.
        4. that the solution is eliminating the remaining bad actors who have not been held accountable for their actions and continue to cling to power with its implications for continued or future bad actions. September is too late, if it’s even possible internally to do it then.
        5. that the mission of the NRA – and the necessary programs to accomplish that mission – have been severely, if not totally, degraded – in many respects by doing “less with more” – by the diverting of those assets to the personal enrichment of a small groups of self-interested officers, senior management, and outside vendors including IMHO the Brewer Attorneys Law Firm.
        6. Now shifting –
        7. that except for the recent BoD election there has been no effective mobilization and eduction to take action by-for-and-of the grassroots NRA membership (defined to include “expires” who actually have a more powerful voice right now) to hammer the sh@# out of the current BoD, most of whom are hiding in the tall grass. (Do they take your calls? Demarest has been avoiding mine from what I can tell.)
        8. that outside groups – so-called gun rights 2.0 – have had considerable success and the right to claim co-credit for victories even though success has many fathers.
        9. that my goal is to make the NRA better and stronger by giving the staff the tools to be meaner, leaner and more effective so that in combination with the gun rights 2.0 groups Letitia James comes to realize that by filing this lawsuit she gets what she “wished“ for because it is now her worst nightmare of warrior monks doing this for the cause not fat salaries and personal fame. That the dross is gone from the NRA and the real warriors are in charge. Who cares who gets the credit? I don’t.
        10. Unless they are lurking here – “Doubley“ Brown (and his puppet master Mad Mike Rothfeld) or the overweight, Iowa corn fed Dorr Bros & Sisas – no one here knows the genesis of NAGR and The Dorr operations. GOA – different genesis – is good and deserves credit too. But it might behoove you to know these things and their methodology.
        11. Finally every NRA BoD member should be getting calls, texts, emails, and, if possible, personal visits immediately by NRA members (see definition above) telling them to call a special BoD meeting to eliminate the SLC and fire Brewer Attorneys before July 15. (Get their answer in writing: yes or no and share it.) It’s like lighting up a legislature to pass Constitutional Carry. They don’t see the light until they feel the heat – Dirksen. If it’s so important to them to be an NRA BoD member then tell them you are organizing to take them out at the next election if they won’t do the right thing. Right now it’s all an insider game and a chattering echo chamber.
        12. but of course no one here has enough valid BoD contact info to distribute to the grassroots. No one here has a sufficient list of likely NRA members (definition above) either. And why not? Is it because you are not creative and gutsy enough? Or prove me a liar and throw me in the briar patch.
        13. even many of the so-called BoD “reformers” don’t get grassroots and play the part of useful idiots helping the cabal by spreading FUD – fear, uncertainty and doubt – against any effective action.
        14. strong letter to follow.

        Liked by 3 people

      3. To dnfguns2,

        I agree with Mr. Dell’Aquila it’ll take more time. Again, there’s what, four?, good guys vs. 71 or 72 bad guys? Hamlin’s just a tool of Brewer and Cotton. And in Barr’s case, forget his crookedness, his blowing away a window with a pistol at a campaign event alone should’ve made him ineligible to even be considered.

        The NRA is a swamp, and it’ll take a long time to drain it and dispose of the rats and alligators.

        Liked by 2 people

    3. The NRA is run by crooks. Most of whatever money the NRA takes in is given to one of the most, if not the most rabid anti gun lawyer in the country… Brewer.(Take a look at his campaign contributions). The NRA is currently nothing but a money laundering organization for a band of criminals. Do you want to give crooks money? Better off flushing your Benjamin’s down a toilet… At least that way they can’t come back and bite you.


  5. One modification…. Assuming the NRA gets compensatory and punitive damages from the NY State government after Vullo, then it would help with the NYAG case because the NRA could offset some of its legal expenses paid to Brewer Attorneys in the case NYAG, I suppose.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Reviewing, over and over, what has happened in the past does not do one iota towards any salvage of the organization, per se., does it??

    Unless viable solutions are articulated, everyone is staying in a ‘woe is us’ mode towards a long drawn out debacle of institutional demise and unrecoverable national standing.

    Further, and I reiterate again, I have not heard any type of absolutely positive going forward resolution(s) provided to the membership so their input can be heard e.g., why hasn’t something been said on the instructor’s forum to provide them knowledge into the debacle as well as seeking from this invaluable and august body to provide their insight?

    Sorry I’m reminded of Janet Jackson’s hit…WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sent to NRA 2nd VP Bill Bachenberg:

    Hello Bill, Have you ever looked at the publicly available listing of NRA-PVF donors at the FEC website. Have you noticed that you are listed but how few of our other NRA BoD seem to have done so. Yet “we” are asking our members to give more – obviously to other entities within NRA – and asking expired members to come home. Seems hypocritical to me but I am willing to withhold judgement subject to further review.

    Between 2001 and 2024 there are ~72656 unique NRA-PVF donors who gave over $200 in at least one cycle sometime over the extended time period. Dennis Fusaro

    Also sent this:

    Btw, thank you for being counted publicly as giving to NRA-PVF. Political PAC money is the hardest to raise. You’re the real deal. I’m still checking for others on the BoD who’ve stepped up. I am ready to give $201 in a week. Are others?

    Liked by 2 people

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