Buz Mills’ Open Letter To The Board



So, now we are all looking towards New York and Justice Cohen’s courtroom. Our attention is diverted here while chicanery continues in Fairfax.

The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is at a watershed moment in its 153rd year. Our leadership has admitted in courts and depositions to misappropriation of donor’s funds and unauthorized use of assets. They have admitted condoning the misuse of donor funds by others employed by the NRA. The leadership has for years abused their position and trust placed in them by our members and benefactors. The Board of Directors (BOD) is solely responsible for this victimization of the members.

Thanks to the New York Attorney General, we are halfway to fixing our organization, bringing the NRA up to par with other non-profit special interest groups.

The judge will hold the victimizers responsible, and they will have to account for their deeds.

Meanwhile, in Fairfax the selected leadership is scheming to continue the abuse suffered over the last few decades instead of following the bylaws for the succession of the Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer (EVP). The selected leadership wants a special election to install the enabler and facilitator of all the previous chicanery. None other than our duly selected President, he is the man more responsible than any other for permitting our selected leadership to rampantly run roughshod over our membership and benefactors.

As the chair of the Audit Committee for many years, Charles Cotton was responsible for holding our employees accountable and ensuring their conduct beyond reproach. Our chair and “moral compass” approved every single act of malfeasance brought to the committee for decades, multiple acts approved retroactively, months and years after the fact. 

When restitution was mandated, a bonus was awarded the miscreants including enough money to pay the restitution. This bonus also included enough for the miscreant to have the cash to pay the taxes on his misappropriation. Talk about rewarding bad behavior!! 

Again, I emphasize, it was not miscreant’s money, and it was not the facilitator’s money! It was the MONEY OF OUR MEMBERS and the MONEY provided by the BENEVOLENCE OF OUR DONORS. There is something deeply wrong when you continually permit and encourage this serial abuse. 

Also do not forget spearheading the deceit and lying to us about filing bankruptcy that the judge called “a fraud.” The BOD was never advised we needed to file for bankruptcy, nor was it ever justified to the board. We read it in the papers.

As we violate the bylaws again – accepting, justifying, and participating in some kind of sham election to make the selected president our EVP.

Is the principal facilitator of the misappropriation of tens of millions of dollars (members and donors’ money) causing the hundreds of millions of dollars of legal fees (again members and donors’ money) really have any business with access to the treasury?

Does he have any right to represent any moral, honest person or organization?


The normal, conventional way this type of business is conducted:

  1. Select a search committee of business professionals from the BOD, selected from the floor by the BOD,
  2. Retain professional employment agencies to recruit, screen and interview potential candidates,
  3. Committee shall interview candidates,
  4. BOD meet and greet,
  5. BOD votes to select a candidate,
  6. Committee sets forth terms and conditions of employment contract.

Now we have a professional to run the business of a world-class organization, in accordance with applicable laws, customs and traditions. Oversight will be provided by a professional BOD congruent with the by-laws in effect prior to ceding all monetary responsibility to the EVP. (circa 2015)

Next we hire a celebrity “FACE” of the NRA as a spokesperson with no access to funds. Using a similar process as finding an EVP.

This is how a professional Board of Directors of a world class not-for-profit begins to heal itself.

We have an opportunity to carefully choose to correct the path we are on. We have the opportunity to recover all of the membership that has abandoned us over these issues (2 million members +/-). We have the opportunity to recover the trust of our most benevolent donors. We have an opportunity to recover the respect of our industry and of the American people. There is no downside to doing this correctly.

Let’s not squander this opportunity, we must move forward smartly and with all the courage of the champions of freedom.

Owen Buz Mills

Director, National Rifle Association of America

January 17, 2024

UPDATE: Here’s commentary at AmmoLand. Here’s the take at The Reload.

14 thoughts on “Buz Mills’ Open Letter To The Board

    1. Biz is only one of less than a handful of board members are have the experience and knowledge to be a qualified board member to perform his fiduciary responsibilities!

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Important to note that Buz is a current member of the Board, and is the owner of Gunsite Academy.
    Buz has extensive corporate experience and was a candidate for Governor of Arizona a few years ago.
    He’s been one of the few Board members to challenge the status quo and survive in recent years, and he is up for reelection in the coming Board of Directors election.
    Buz is high on my list of potential candidates for the Interim EVP-CEO position at NRA, to kick-start the clean-up process and set the stage for a new, professional CEO to be elected after a proper search and vetting process, as he describes in his letter.
    I think the Board was incredibly remiss in not addressing the issue of an Interim CEO at their January 5 meeting after LaPierre announced his intention to resign. They should not have allowed the job to fall to LaPierre’s recently appointed PR flack.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. The current board, minus a handful, are not qualified to be board members to carry out their fiduciary responsibilities.
      The quickest and most prudent way to reorganize the NRA is for one of these judges to put the NRA into receivership.

      Liked by 4 people

  2. Good feedback and thank to all involved. We need a complete organizational overhaul at NRA. We need to eliminate numerous management/director level positions, establish a proper span of control and bring compensation to industry standards. We need to move quickly and agree with Jeff about compensation caps- $500K might still be high, even for a CEO/EVP role.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Throwing the BS flag over…

    “Next we hire a celebrity “FACE” of the NRA as a spokesperson with no access to funds. Using a similar process as finding an EVP.”

    Really, ’tis the 21st century and the organization already has a “sheriff” who is no longer an elected peace officer for over 27 years; or is that song writer; or singer; or promoter of “his” special gun; or as NRA shooting illustrated stated in 2018 ~ “…consummate storyteller…” [side bar…who and how was his trip the Mozambique paid for?]

    Come on everyone let’s move away from the way we have always done it and work the rebuild like a business, one where everyone is polishing their organization’s image instead of having a ‘bought’ face individuals telling the world how great NRA is…didn’t work w/Heston, et al., let the promotion front person thought die a natural death!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. The startling recommendation for a successor EVP is evidence that the present menagerie that encumbers the board chairs has an unchangeable habit of continuing the now well-known mismanagement. The court will be astonished by the selection of a man that allowed the mismanagement to take place without vocal and written objection.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I wouldn’t trust the BOD and the senior NRA staff to run a lemonade stand. These individuals mostly sat by and hid while grifters ran the NRA and as well enabled some of their fellow BOD members to use their positions for personal gain. The court should remove all of them and prevent them from serving on any BOD for at least 10 years.

    The director of competitions should also be removed as he scheduled and ran NRA events (world shooting championship) at his own range. The NRA needs to implement professional standards used by Not for Profits which are regarded at best in class. They also require a code of conduct for its employees and its vendors. All of their actions should be subject to 3rd party audits.

    I really don’t want to hear from anyone who ran it into the ground. They need to all be shown the door.

    Liked by 5 people

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