NRA Board Elections

We have four reformers running an uphill race, and they deserve our vote. Emphasis: vote for these four ONLY. That way your vote has much more power. You’re allowed to vote for up to 25, but every vote you give to another candidate increases the risk of that other candidate winning and pushing the four reformers out of the winning column.

The four are: Phil Journey, Dennis Fusaro, Rocky Marshall, and Jeff Knox. Here is the brochure stating their qualifications.

Update: The comments remind us that, alone among the incumbents, Buz Mills deserves a vote. So make it five only. Here, at Only Guns and Money, is John Richardson’s endorsement, and here is that of Grass Roots North Carolina.

17 thoughts on “NRA Board Elections

  1. I just received my Rifleman magazine in the mail today, and was excited to learn that I finally have over 5 years as a member, at least this time. You can rest assured that I will fill out the board election form just like Frank Tait mentions, and send it in asap.
    Wishing these 4 success with the election and then with huge task ahead of them.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Digital subscription members or non magazine member SHOULD get a ballot in the mail. As we start voting, we will let you know so you can inquire as to your ballot. (If needed)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for the endorsement. Only about 5% of eligible NRA voters bother to return their ballots, which means 95% of the ballots (almost 2 million of them) are never returned. We need to change that this year. The most common reason people give for not voting is that they don’t know the candidates or the issues well enough, so they leave it to their fellow members who know more…
    Look where that’s gotten us. Along with voting for the four of us right away — it’s easy to put it off and forget to do it — please reach out to your NRA member friends and make sure they vote as well.
    I’ve had questions about the Bylaw amendments that are also on the ballot this year. I support the Bylaw amendments as they just create the position of Chief Compliance Officer. That’s a needed position. I do worry about who might be given that job though.
    The other reform candidates and I are available to do interviews and answer questions, so along with sharing information about us on your social media and forums you participate in, please encourage your favorite YouTubers, podcasters, radio hosts, and writers to reach out to us. I’m easy to find on Facebook or at Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have a valid concern about who might fill the new position. Would this suggest a NO vote at this time so that a future board of reform directors could make better personnel decisions?

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The position of Chief Complaince Officer is simply a sham effort to fool the court and members. The rulers at the NRA ignored N.Y. Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, N.Y case law on nonprofit corporations, NRA bylaws, and the dissenting opinions from those who were subsequently punished and/or purged. The rulers at NRA do not tolerate independent points of view. They will make sure that the one selected for the Chief Compliance Officer positions bows to the latest NRA party line.


  4. I was in several meetings where the Compliance officer role was debated – I haven’t seen the final language yet (my mail tends to be 2-3 days behind) but the intent was a true independent internal audit function. The key is where this position reports in the hierarchy – it needs to be independent of the EVP and report directly to the Audit committee. This will work as long as the Audit committee actually does its job (not that it has in the past 20+ years)


  5. Despite being a life member for 10 years or so, I haven’t gotten a magazine in at least 3 years, so I can’t vote. The funny thing is my Dad’s been a life member for decades, and lives in the same city as I do and still gets his magazine.
    But to the point at hand, can we trust that our(minus mine) votes count? Who counts the ballots? After all, what did 2020, and 2022 and now 2024 prove in our national elections? It’s not who votes that matters, it’s who does the counting that matters.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The counting is legitimate – done by accounting firm. about 2.5 Million ballots are set out – I expect less than 100,000 votes will be submitted.

      The establishment works to get their supporters to vote – using things like being recommended by the nominating committee and effectively blocking any competitive advertisements in the election issue and restricting reformers from any reform messaging in their bio’s.


  6. Interesting, I always found it odd, even before the scandals, how certain candidates seemed to have official advertisements in the magazines. I never knew that bio’s were censored. Interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

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