Yet Another Brewer Loss For NRA

We’re posted before on the impressive record of the Brewer law firm in terms of losses for NRA. They’d racked up a good roster before the recent loss in the NY Attorney General’s lawsuit. Some involved pretty bone-headed missteps. Like challenging covid shutdowns of gun stores and listing only NRA, not its members, as plaintiffs.Continue reading “Yet Another Brewer Loss For NRA”

Developments In NY vs. NRA

Yesterday the NY court denied NRA’s motion to set aside the jury’s findings, and also denied the similar motions by Wayne LaPierre, Woody Phillips, and John Frazier. This was predictable, these motions are rarely granted, and serve mainly to lay the basis for an appeal. In this case, it would normally be an appeal thatContinue reading “Developments In NY vs. NRA”

Josh Powell Settles

Yes, he’s reached a settlement with New York. LaPierre’s former chief of staff will pay $100,000 to NRA, be barred from holding office with any NY nonprofit, and will voluntarily testify during the trial. What is remarkable is that, of the four individual defendants, Powell’s conduct was the most defensible and least harmful. He billedContinue reading “Josh Powell Settles”

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