NRA Demands Jury Trial

We jumped the gun when we early said that NRA had demanded jury trial. But now it’s done just that. NRA’s demand says that the NY Attorney General had demanded jury trial only as to some issues, but NRA demands it as to all issues in the case.

“Therefore, the National Rifle Association of America (the “NRA”) hereby demands a trial by jury of all issues triable of right by a jury, including, but not limited to, issues of fact related to each element of (i) Plaintiff’s claims; and (ii) the NRA’s defenses.” John Frazer and Wayne LaPierre demand the same.

This is insanity, we can find no other word for it, and our attorney friends agree. The judge seems actually to be impartial and concerned with doing the right thing. Why would NRA and LaPierre demand to be tried instead by a Manhattan jury? If we searched, could we find a worse group to try NRA?

Maybe the attorneys think this will increase their fees, or maybe we should be seeking answers from this movie….

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