NRA Legal Expenses

We’ve discussed NRA’s impending financial collapse, and how its unsustainable legal expenses ($60 million a year, or nearly one-third of NRA revenues) contribute to that. We thought about that, and did some math.

$60 million–

There are about 260 working days in a year. So that’s $231,000 in legal expenses per working day. Nearly a quarter-mill per day. (Back in 2019, Col. North protested at $97,000 legal costs per day, and nonprofit experts agreed that was shocking).

There are 2,200 working hours per year. That’s $27,000 in legal expenses per hour. How can any company be spending that much? 9-5, each hour, $27,000 of checks are cut for legal expenses.

In New York, good attorneys cost $300-800 per hour. Let’s guess that NRA is very generous to lawyers (or gullible), and NRA pays them $1,000 an hour average.

$27,000/hour total would mean 27 attorneys working on NRA’s matters, continuously, unable to take on any other legal work, over the entire year. Doesn’t that sound impossible? 27 attorneys, full-time, no other clients, for a year? Or 54 attorneys, if each spend half his day on NRA work.

In the New York case, NRA’s documents are all filed and signed by one Brewer attorney, Svetlana Eisenberg. If she’s doing most of the work, where are the other 26 full-time attorneys whom NRA is paying $1,000/hour each?

There are some big mysteries here, and we have no idea what is going on.

10 thoughts on “NRA Legal Expenses

  1. Well, attorney billing is a quagmire. Some bill in hour increments. When they pick up a phone or touch an item they automatically bill that hour (or half hour or quarter hour) even if it’s only a few minutes. At the end of a day they could bill their customer(s) many more hours than are in the day.


  2. Here is a simple basic math question that any sitting board member should be able to get an answer to. However, the majority of board members are go along to get along folks. The board is to big. The board is powerless and elitist. The board is not listening to the membership.
    Serious change in direction is needed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dannytheman wrote, “the majority of board members are go along to get along folks.” Well, that’s not exactly the problem now. The problem now is that that all but two directors on the Board of Directors are in the position of “we all hang together, or we all hang separately.” Except for two, every damned director knows that his/her house is on the line. They ALL failed their fiduciary responsibilities — every single one of them. The director-and-officers insurance they have now is worthless, and they know it. Thus, they keep sticking with Lapierre and Bill Brewer because they imagine that doing so is the only thing that might save their house, their wealth, and their personal assets.

      Except for two, every director is a coward and knowingly went along with the massive theft and dishonesty.

      LaPierre should be in prison. Frasier should be disbarred and in prison. Woody Phillips should be drug back from whatever hole he’s hiding in and locked in prison. For each of those three, there should be a claw-back of the thefts and overpayments. Millie Hallow should be gone after for every cent she stole from the NRA. Some directors on the board should be in prison themselves. Most should have their assets taken to help pay back the NRA for what they allowed to be stolen from the NRA. They did this intentionally. Why? Oh, so they could keep getting together at least three times a year, on someone else’s dime, and have their parties, and, yes, conduct various sexual affairs along the years, with one another and with other NRA hangers-on. Oh! And Wit Davis should be disbarred for failing to give decent legal advice to directors. He NEVER explained to them that, yes, they had a fiduciary obligation to the NRA and failing with that obligation could put their personal wealth on the line.

      The one who will make off like a bandit in the night will be Bill Brewer. The man is opposed to the individual right-to-keep-and-bear-arms, and he found a way to kill off the NRA and get personally wealthy at the same time: “Hey, Wayne, I’ve seen the numbers, and you’re a damned thief and con man, but if you keep paying me, I’ll keep you out of prison.”

      This is a gawd-awful shame and tragedy for gunnies and for the 2nd Amendment. Best advice is turn to the Second Amendment Foundation and your local gun groups that are not affiliated with the NRA. The NRA will be bankrupt for real by the end of 2023.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Not arguing, as your points are on solid footing. I won’t apologize for being optimistic. Being a KoolAid drinker for many years as a long time life member and fighter for the cause has given me a different outlook. I have stopped my financial giving. I always have to SAF, JFPF, Gun Policy Coalition and multiple state organizations.
        When I contact my elected official they still, as of November 2022, ask me, where is the NRA on specific legislation.
        When that changes and another org is the federal mentioned group that an elected official states, I will understand more of your answer.
        The ILA is still respected on the Hill. The Foundation is still giving grants.

        We need to work to legally save the parts that work.


  3. Dannytheman wrote, “the majority of board members are go along to get along folks.” Well, that’s not exactly the problem now. The problem now is that that all but two directors on the Board of Directors are in the position of “we all hang together, or we all hang separately.” Except for two, every damned director knows that his/her house is on the line. They ALL failed their fiduciary responsibilities — every single one of them. The director-and-officers insurance they have now is worthless, and they know it. Thus, they keep sticking with Lapierre and Bill Brewer because they imagine that doing so is the only thing that might save their house, their wealth, and their personal assets.

    Except for two, every director is a coward and knowingly went along with the massive theft and dishonesty.

    LaPierre should be in prison. Frasier should be disbarred and in prison. Woody Phillips should be drug back from whatever hole he’s hiding in and locked in prison. For each of those three, there should be a claw-back of the thefts and overpayments. Millie Hallow should be gone after for every cent she stole from the NRA. Some directors on the board should be in prison themselves. Most should have their assets taken to help pay back the NRA for what they allowed to be stolen from the NRA. They did this intentionally. Why? Oh, so they could keep getting together at least three times a year, on someone else’s dime, and have their parties, and, yes, conduct various sexual affairs along the years, with one another and with other NRA hangers-on. Oh! And Wit Davis should be disbarred for failing to give decent legal advice to directors. He NEVER explained to them that, yes, they had a fiduciary obligation to the NRA and failing with that obligation could put their personal wealth on the line.

    The one who will make off like a bandit in the night will be Bill Brewer. The man is opposed to the individual right-to-keep-and-bear-arms, and he found a way to kill off the NRA and get personally wealthy at the same time: “Hey, Wayne, I’ve seen the numbers, and you’re a damned thief and con man, but if you keep paying me, I’ll keep you out of prison.”

    This is a gawd-awful shame and tragedy for gunnies and for the 2nd Amendment. Best advice is turn to the Second Amendment Foundation and your local gun groups that are not affiliated with the NRA. The NRA will be bankrupt for real by the end of 2023.


  4. Thank you. Y’know what, I’m done with the NRA. Until they give up WLP & Wife, Millie the Moocher and all other BoD alleged cronies, and we’re able to reform the bylaws to prevent this situation and set of circumstances from happening in the future, even the NRA-ILA is no longer getting a penny from me.
    I’m done until they clean house. If that means this ship sinks, so be it. We The 2A will gather what’s useful that’s left, and construct another national/federal level firearms/civil rights org. This is no longer my NRA.
    Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays to all y’all.
    See you on the range and in the forums. Be well[namaste]

    Liked by 1 person

  5. There is a St. Peter joke whereby a lawyer dies and shows up at the Pearly Gates. There is a brass band and a banner welcoming the oldest person ever to appear there. Lawyer is mystified and tells St. Peter he was 52 years old and keeled over from a heart attack. St. Peter looks at his accountant and raises his eyebrows. The accountant says they added up all of his billed hours and concluded he was 230 years old.


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